Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Final Post

Well, what have I learnt from this unit? Let me tell you, a fair amount.

In between reading the Scott McCloud book and sitting through the lectures, my views on art and the Multimedia Design world have grown exponentially. From the book I've learnt a lot about comics, changing my rather flat perception of them to something deeper which sees past the surface and looks at them as a more complex medium. But the lessons learnt about comics, like closure, usage of time and so forth have also been transferred into how other artwork is created, as I looked for relationships between some of my favoured TV shows and paintings in my blogs and saw that which I have overlooked in the past. To say I have a larger appreciation (Or in some cases, now have a bigger loathing) of some of the shows I watch and the artwork I view is pretty.

The lectures too have been very enthralling. Not only have they introduced me to some rather epic pieces of work (White Stripes video much? Die Hard much? Betty Boop much?) but they have also allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of how these pieces of Multimedia are designed to have an impact on the audience and with which styles and forms they are created with. My horizons have been broadened and my creative mindset widened, and I’ve also been able to see how many different aspects of Multimedia can come together (The likes of animation, music, visual style, genre, interactivity and so forth) and influence the progression of the work in a remarkable way.

Although I've tried to progress my mindset in how I view artwork from the time I first decided I wanted to be an animator 5 years ago, this year has certainly helped me along this path filling me with inspiration, new techniques to utilise and enough culture and understanding to shake a stick at.

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