Wednesday, April 16, 2008

'Understanding Comics' Chapter 4 Summary

The forth chapter of the Scott McCloud’s ‘Understanding Comics’ explains the unique combinations of time and space and time and motion within comics, and how they are able to be combined in a way that no other mediums can do.

Within the chapter McCloud explains altering the frames within comics or enhancing the images and words within them can lead to timelessness, 4th dimensional quality. The space presented can be extended and changed to direct the reader’s eye in a new fashion, leading to different perceptions of time to be met. Time can also be reflected with blurs (Similar to what’s seen it photos of fast moving objects), giving static images a sense of moving in time within the frame. This is in contrast to the previousness method of time moving around the images themselves

The concept of time hasn’t really been touched on too much within class. However I myself have overlooked this concept of time quite consistently in my own comic reading. I’ve always just read such movements in time within comics as a natural occurrence and have never actually acknowledged or realised the complexity behind their usage. I never realised how unique the timeframe within a single frame in a comic is in the world of art.

However one form of movement within art I am familiar with is Cubism

Cubism, like in the painting you see above, shows an object from many angles composed over one another (In this case, a person and their guitar). Although it may look like a mess (To some uncultured people anyway) it is in fact a vague representation of a still image in many different views, essentially giving it a sense of movement in time and space. However this sense of time is still not as powerful as comics. Cubism is almostly like a static 3D image while comic can actually show movement through time, which is more like a static scene of a film. For this reason it seems that comics can be seen as more powerful than any other art style in terms of power with time.

Overall, the presentation of time within comics is unique from any other medium and can be used to enhance the reading of comics greatly from an artistic and presentational standpoint.

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